I've design for Cœur de pirate since 2014 until today.
Tour Roses 2014-201 6
Tour Tempête: 2017- 2019:
Tour Impossible 2021-2024
Special event FEQ Carte de Blanche 2016
Critic For the tour Tempête:
English version: For this first concert of the new Québécois tour where the tickets are selling quickly, Cœur de pirate was full on with the crowed of the MTELUS int his Thursday evening! For this very special occasion, auteure-compositor-interprets was celebrated her musical career of 10 years and was entitled to a room filled whit fans who by heart sang each words of her songs. The show was visually impeccable....
Version Français
Pour ce premier concert de sa nouvelle tournée québécoise où les billets s'envolent vite, Coeur de pirate avait l'esprit à la fête au MTELUS en ce jeudi soir! Pour cette occasion toute spéciale, l'auteure-compositrice-interprète a fêté ses 10 ans de carrière musicale et a eu droit à une salle remplie de fans en délire qui chantaient les paroles par coeur de chacune de ses chansons. Le spectacle fut visuellement impeccable...
Critic for the show Carte blanche FEQ 2016
FEQ know as the Festival d'Été Québec, invited Coeur de Pirate to perform at the festival on July 10, 2016. It was an amazing summer night. I had a blast to work on this project.
Concert Review: Le Soleil 11 juillet 2016
"...Quand la machine autour d'elle s'est mise à ronronner, des sourires se sont dessinés sur son visage et à partir du troisième titre, Golden Baby, elle était pleinement à l'aise dans son vaste terrain de jeu : des éclairages recherchés, des projections et une belle brochette d'invités..."
Last tour 2022 Chrysalism. Always a pleasure to work with Milk and Bone.
This project brought together three artist friends, allowing me to design sometime fun and to introduce a young lighting operator for their show.
We have won best Variety,collective show of the year 2024 at L’Adisq
My first time working with Beyries was 2021 at the Montreal international Jazz Festival, was with a Carte blanche. This year I design her show for her tour Du Feu dans Lilas.
Light designer 2017 to 2021
Been there light designer and video operator since 2007 to 2010.
I Tour with metric as their light designer and Video Operator in 2009-2010
Concert Review: L.A. Records June 11th 2009
"...From lights on to lights off Metric rocked me like a hurricane – a hurricane going a glittery 100 kilometers an hour. Emily Haines entered the stage in a gold sequined dress and speckled the keyboards with light as she started playing the instrument every (hetero) male in the audience was jealous of...
Did a Summer tour in 2009 with Interpol. At that time I was there light operator.
Have been working with Ian Kelly as his light designer since 2005 to 2012.